Image by Diederik van der Laan - Dutch Photo Agency


I am dr. Charifa Zemouri (sha-ree-fa ze-moo-ree), a scientific professional in public health. I operate worldwide as an independent researcher and consultant. My ongoing projects include work on sexual health, vaccine-preventable diseases, systematic reviews, and developing a WHO guideline for zoonotic diseases.
I recently co-authored a Belgian guideline for low-risk birth, where I served as a methodologist. I often inform journalists and policymakers on topics related to my expertise.
You can hire me in the following areas (not limited to):

  • Public health, including infectious disease prevention and control.

  • Systematic reviews and meta-analyses.

  • Guideline development (GRADE).

  • Building methodologies and conducting research: qualitative, quantitative and mixed-method.

  • Education development.

Image by Diederik van der Laan - Dutch Photo Agency

What to expect?

  • Guideline development

    Comprehensive methodological services for guideline development, including de novo search, abstraction, and meta-analyses. Extensive collaborations with WHO, McMaster University, and Belgian Federal Research Institute.

  • Research

    Scientific research using qualitative and/or quantitative methodologies. Supervision, support, and appraisal provided throughout the research process.

  • Helping hand

    Accepting delegated work to ease burden, meet deadlines, and complete unfinished research, analyses, writing, and education tasks within my expertise. Get your target population.

  • Education

    I develop educational materials for diverse audiences and provide online/offline education to professionals, students, politicians, and the general public.

  • Best use of science

    Evidence-based decision-making in general medicine, policy-making, and guideline production. Translating scientific knowledge for public use.

  • Public speaking

    Extensive experience in science communication with mainstream media and the general public. Bring complex matters to comprehensive material in public settings.

Some of the current and past collaborations